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Why Alpha Chi?

The Universtiy of Massachusetts Amherst is a large college campus. Between the shear size of campus, number of new faces you see and being away from home for this first time (for most) it is very easy to feel lost in such a place. But there is no need to fear! Your home away from home could be right around the corner - you just don't know it yet. 


Greek organizations at UMass Amherst make up roughly 10% of campus. This helps make such a large campus feel a little smaller and community based. Alpha Chi Omega is one of seven Panhellenic Sororities that help make up this 10% of campus. 























Alpha Chi Omega is an organization of 100+ women who stirve to be the best they can be day in and day out. We are a group of young women who are driven, passionate, adventure seeking and loving (among other things). Whether it is leadership positions taken on within Alpha Chi or other RSOs on campus, work or making the grades, Alpha Chis put their heart and souls into everything they do. We are also a support system built to pick each other up and remind eachother what true  friendship and sisterhood is all about. We pride ourselves on acceptance and love for eachother. 


There are a million and seven reasons our sisters say why Alpha Chi, but the decision is yours. The Delta Mu chapter of Alpha Chi Omega invite you to GO GREEK and experience what it means to be a part of a sisterhood. We promise, your only regret will be not joining sooner. 



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